Why FoodSHare?

Food waste occurs across the food system from the farm, post-harvest, processing, transporting, to wholesaling, retailing and the consumers. Growing media attention, in recent years, about environmental and economic costs, hunger and resource conservation associated with food waste has raised public awareness about food loss. This has in turn accelerated public and private efforts to make better use of available food supplies by recovering safe and nutritious food that would otherwise be wasted.

Diverting surplus food to provide meals for people in need

Preventing food from being thrown away is socially important when the rescued food is redirected to those who are food insecure.

Simpler, more efficient, less wasteful business

Redistributing surplus food has great economic impact as it substantially reduces food disposal costs and increases efficiency.

Fighting food waste means fighting climate change

Reducing food waste is environmentally important as it keeps food out of landfills and mitigates greenhouse gas emissions.

Giving food another chance: be part of the solution

At FoodSHare we save good quality, surplus food from going to waste. If you find that you have surplus food which is still edible, consider redistributing it to people in need. If your organisation serves those who are food insecure, then sign up to collect food.
Retailers, Farmers, Processors
Do you have surplus food going to waste?

We work with companies across the supply chain – from farmers to supermarkets, and big brands to small, independent producers.

Community Groups, Charities, NGOs
We’re supporting communities with essential food supplies

If you are a charity or community group supporting people in need, sign up to our platform to access good quality, surplus food, available near you—free of charge.

You and Me
You can help in many ways! Volunteer with us!

Keen to help get great surplus food to good causes? If you can collect and deliver food or spread the word, get in touch with us!

Foodshare in numbers

Food donated
CO2 emission prevented

Donors registered on the platform

Recipients registered on the platform

Volunteers registered on the platform

It’s quick, easy and hassle-free!

Your community needs you! Interested? Get involved! FoodSHare platform is an initiative under project PLOUTOS and will be active in two Blakan countries, Serbia and North Macedonia.

What can I share on FoodSHare? You can share all perishable food / frozen food (including dairy, fish and meat, fresh juice) which is on or before its ‘use by date’ as long as it is still fit for human consumption; all non-perishable food if it is within its ‘best before date’.