Frequenlty Asked Questions

What is the FoodSHare platform?

FoodSHare platform connects food donors, food recipients and volunteers, to reduce food waste. The platform aims to streamline surplus food donations from farms and other food producers, distributors and retailers, to socially disadvantaged groups by facilitating communication and logistic processes. The platform is a part of the Ploutos project, funded under the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme.

What is food waste?

Food waste is generated in production, distribution and other processes. It represents the food that is not consumed by the end user. Most common cases of food waste are close “Best before” and “Expiraton” date, aesthetic reasons, texture and overall quality of the product, not optimized production, etc. This food is in its entirety safe for human consumption and thus suitable for donating to the socially disadvantaged groups that need it the most.

Who can donate food?

Generally, food donors can include food and beverage companies, agriculture holdings, distributors, retailers, and other companies that produce, distribute and sell food. The exception is HoReCa sector (hotels, restaurants and cafés) which is restricted from food donation in the Republic of Serbia.

Who can receive food donations?

Food donation recipients can be charity organisations like food banks, foundations and public kitchens. These organisations will then distribute donated food to their members, local community, and other individuals in need.

Who are the Volunteers?

FoodSHare volunteers are individuals or organisations that can provide support for food donations or other activities organised through the FoodSHare platform. Whether that is support in terms of transportation of donated food or participation in the gleaning events, everyone is welcome.

Why should I register as a Donor?

FoodSHare platform gives the opportunity for automatization and improvement of existing processes in terms of food donation. By using this simple and effective, yet free tool, you can save time and money as well as other limited resources. By donating your food waste you can support the local community, raise the social responsibility of your company and protect the environment by decreasing the disposal of food waste.

Why should I register as a Recipient?

FoodSHare platform enables fast and simple way for acquiring food donations. Growing base of donors gives many opportunities for receiving donations of different kinds as well as equal opportunity for all charity organizations independent of their size of location.

How does the platform work?

After registering on the platform, donors, recipients, and volunteers can directly communicate with each other. Food donors can offer food donations, recipients can browse through donation listings to search for the specific food they need at the moment. All registered users will receive email notifications about the new food offerings and donation requests. Also, currently active and completed donations will be accessible on the Donations page of the FoodSHare platform.

How are the donations awarded?

Donors hold the rights on which recipient(s) will receive the donation. If the donor does not exercise this right the donation will be awarded on a “first-come, first-served” basis.

Is the Foodshare platform entirely free to use, and what are the user obligations?

FoodSHare platform is entirely free to use. All users can register on the platform without any additional costs. Registration does not obligate users for any amount of donations, it serves merely as a tool for making their food donation processes more effective and efficient.

What are the Events?

Food donations will be followed by the events organised periodically to raise awareness about social responsibility and food waste, gleaning events or events closely related to surplus food management (e.g. donor’s gala).

How can I join?

By registering on the Foodshare platform, following the next steps: 1.Enter your email address and password
2.Choose your country (Serbia or North Macedonia).
3.Choose your prefered language (Serbian, Macedonian or English).
4.Choose your desired role (Donor, Recipient, Volunteer).
5.After registration you will receive a verification email, verify your email by clicking on the link in the mail. 6.Once your email has been verified, administrator will contact you to approve your profile.
6.Once your email has been verified, administrator will contact you to approve your profile.
7.All set – you are ready to start sharing food!
8.If you would like to add the recipient, click on “Add/remove Recipients” on the left side of your donation. Click on “Add selected Recipients”. Close the window.

I forgot my password?

1.Go to your Login page and click “Forgot your password?”.
2.Enter your email associated with your Foodshare account.
3.Enter your email associated with your Foodshare account.
4.Once again, enter your email in the form.
5.Enter your new password.
6.Confirm your new password.
7.Login with your new password.