This Privacy Policy of the FoodSHare Platform was adopted by the Association for Entrepreneurship and Innovation "FOODSCALE HUB", based in Belgrade, 73 Narodnog fronta Street, ID number: 28276133, PIB: 111318508, internet address: (hereinafter: "Operator" or "FOODSCALE HUB").
In case of any questions or requests regarding the handling or protection of your personal data, please contact us at the e-mail address:
The data protection person is: Dušan Pevac, contact information:
This FoodSHare Platform Privacy Policy informs you about the processing of your personal data, the purpose and intended basis for processing, the existence of a legitimate interest of the operator or third party when processing is based on a legitimate interest, the recipient or group of recipients of personal data - if any the fact that the operator intends to transfer personal data to another country or international organization. In addition to the above, in order to ensure fair and transparent processing of personal data, this Privacy Policy of the FoodSHare Platform provides you with additional information such as the retention period of personal data (or if this is not possible criteria for determining it), the rights of data subjects. relations, whether the provision of personal data is a legal or contractual obligation or whether the provision of data is a necessary condition for concluding a contract, as well as whether the data subject has an obligation to provide personal data and possible consequences if data are not provided , as well as other relevant information.
If the Operator intends to further process personal data for a purpose other than that for which the data were collected, we will notify you prior to further processing of that other purpose and any other relevant information.
However, if you are already familiar with any of the above information or other relevant information about the processing of your personal data, the Operator has no obligation to provide this information.
This FoodSHare Platform Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Privacy Policy”) is based on the following basic principles: legality, fairness and transparency, limitations on the purpose of processing, minimization of data, accuracy, restrictions on storage, integrity and confidentiality, and liability for treatment.
Some of the terms in this text have the following meanings:
The owner of the FoodSHare Platform is the Foodscale Hub Association for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, based in Belgrade, Serbia, at 73 Narodnog fronta Street.
The FoodSHare Platform is an initiative within the PLOUTOS project and will be active in two Balkan countries, the Republic of Serbia and Northern Macedonia. The PLOUTOS project is funded by the EU through the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement no. 101000594 concluded between the Research Executive Agency (REA) under the authority of the European Commission and the coordinator of GAIA EPICHEIREIN ANONYMI ETAIREIA PSIFIAKON YPIRESION (GAIA) from Greece and 29 other users, including "FOODSCALE HUB". In order to implement the PLOUTOS project and the Grant Agreement, "FOODSCALE HUB" has concluded a Consortium Agreement with other partners - coordinator and beneficiaries of the Grant Agreement. You can read more about the PLOUTOS project
here. The PLOUTOS project includes the collection and / or processing of personal data of which the consortium is aware and will take appropriate measures to protect personal data within the PLOUTOS project in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation on Personal Data Protection (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR). The members of the consortium are from the EU, except for the Republic of Serbia and Northern Macedonia. The members of the consortium made mutual relations regarding the protection of personal data with the Management Plan, with the application of the GDPR. You can read more detailed conditions and ways of using personal data within the PLOUTOS project
Participation in this research within the PLOUTOS project is based on your understanding that everything is on a voluntary basis and that you can withdraw at any time. The consent form is available together with a document with information for participants, as explained below.
The registered user can withdraw the consent to participate in the research at any time by terminating his user account, without the obligation of any explanation and notification. The user can close his account by clicking on the "My Profile" button, then on the "Personal Data" field and selecting the "Delete" option. By selecting this option, the user permanently deletes his account, of which he is informed.
The FoodSHare Platform aims to simplify and coordinate food donations from food business operators to organizations and local communities that provide food to individuals in need. In order to achieve this goal, we use personal information posted on user profiles.
After registering on the FoodSHare Platform, your data may be visible to other users of the platform, who may also be commercial customers. Only registered users will be able to see the information you submit, as follows: if you register as a donor, recipients will be able to see the name of your organization, but only if you decide to place a donation. If you access the platform as a recipient, your e-mail address as well as the name of the organization will be seen by donors, but only if you apply to receive a donation. Unregistered persons will not have access to your data and your data will not be sold to independent parties and third parties. The FoodSHare Platform may provide links to independent websites (third parties). In order to use the content of these websites on our site and portal, you may have to accept specific terms of use, including their cookie policies, over which we have no control.
You can see more detailed conditions and how to use the FoodSHare Platform at the following
Our goal is to facilitate the connection and exchange of information between all registered users on the FoodSHare platform. To achieve this, we need information from your user account.
We collect your information when registering on the FoodSHare Platform.
After registration, you will receive an e-mail to verify your e-mail address. Verify your email address by clicking on the link provided. After verifying the email address, the administrator will approve the verification of your account and you will be able to use all the provided functionalities of the platform.
By registering on the FoodSHare Platform, you accept the terms of use of the platform, and declare that you have read, understood and accepted this Privacy Policy, as well as the "Information Sheet" and the "Consent Form". We hereby inform you that the forms "Information Sheet " and "Consent Form" were created within the PLOUTOS project, and that the Operator has contractual and legal obligations to present them in the prescribed form and form to any person wishing to register on the FoodSHare Platform. You can see more about the PLOUTOS project here, and you can see the Privacy Policy of the PLOUTOS project here.
After registering on the FoodSHare Platform, donors, recipients and volunteers can communicate with each other.
Donors can offer food donations, while recipients can see current food offers for which they can apply, while volunteers can provide their support in all activities.
All registered users, ie donors, recipients and volunteers will receive e-mail notifications about new food offers and other promotions published through the FoodSHare platform.
All active or current donations will be available on the Donations page on the Foodshare Platform. Upon completion or expiration, donations become inactive and then archived and no longer visible to registered users. Your profile remains active, and you can post a new donation at any time.
Each user of the FoodSHare Platform can, at any time, cancel their account by clicking on the "My Profile" button, then on the "Personal Data" field and selecting the "Delete" option. By selecting this option, the user permanently deletes his account, of which he is informed. Personal data collected up to that time are kept as archived and deleted five years after the completion of the PLOUTOS project for which the platform was created.
Your personal data will be used exclusively in the context of the FoodSHare Platform which is part of the PLOUTOS project.
We process your data in order to fulfill our contractual obligations to our partners-members of the consortium, as well as to implement the Grant Agreement and submit the necessary reports to the European Commission on the implementation of the PLOUTOS project, which includes FoodSHare Platform owned by the Operator.
In accordance with the above, donors, recipients and volunteers are registered on the FoodSHare Platform.
The data required for registration on the FoodSHare Platform for all the above categories of persons are:
1) e-mail address,
2) password that you create yourself (desired password),
3) selection of one of the offered countries (Serbia or Northern Macedonia),
4) selection of the desired language (English, Serbian or Macedonian),
5) selection of the desired role (donor, recipient or volunteer).
After registration, you will receive an e-mail to verify your e-mail address. Verify your email address by clicking on the link provided. After verifying your email address, the administrator will contact you to approve the registration of your account.
You can only register on the FoodSHare Platform if you are at least 18 years old. You will not send information obtained through the FoodSHare Platform to third parties without your express permission. Also, keep in mind that if you register as a recipient, donors may contact you only after you apply to receive a donation. Otherwise, there is no possibility to contact other users.
In accordance with the above, the following data is collected through our FoodSHare Platform:
Data collected during the registration of potential donors, including personal and organizational (i.e. company) data. This data set includes the name of the organization, address, name and position of the contact person, email address, brief description of the organization's work, including information on whether they are already donating food and, if so, how much per month, the average annual value of donated food composting or edible foods.
Data collected during registration of recipient/end user organizations. This data set includes the name of the organization, address, brief description of the work of the organization, incl. information on whether people eat meals on the spot, and the number of people served, the average amount of food received and information on the type of food most in demand.
Personal data will be collected (i.e., name and position of contact person, e-mail address, telephone number).
This data set will be expanded with information (both qualitative and quantitative) on the characteristics of recipient behavior in relation to food surplus management behavior: type of food waste practice, date of registration, number of participations in pilot campaigns; state of awareness and knowledge about food waste and redistribution of food waste; current attitude towards food waste; perception of current capacity; identified barriers to inclusion in the redistribution of food waste.
These datasets include information collected from volunteers after their registration on the platform. Personal data will be collected, incl. name and phone number, email address. In addition, the user will provide the following non-personal information: whether the user will participate regularly or once when available, whether he has a vehicle that can be used to transport food and whether he will be part of an organization or an individual.
This dataset contains publicly available information on periodically organized events (ie collections, donations, farmers market, open days): type of event, number of volunteers required, start / end date of the event, location, brief description. No personal data is collected under this dataset.
This dataset contains information on available donations, incl. donation status, donation start and end date, location, donation name, brief description, public location, route description, type of food, food unit (I, kg, g, pieces), quantity.
To make the FoodSHare Platform fully functional, we store the following types of information about you:
"FOODSCALE HUB" takes all appropriate personnel, technical and organizational measures to protect personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or alteration.
The protection of your personal data is very important to us. Some of the protection measures we implement are the following:
a) Pseudonymization - whenever possible
b) Use secure methods when sharing your personal information to prevent unauthorized access;
c) application of modern methods of protection and control of access to databases containing personal data;
d) continuous supervision of all resources, and periodic testing, evaluation and evaluation of the effectiveness of technical, organizational and personnel security measures.
The operator uses a multi-level approach that includes passwords for user, administration, device, system and network levels, in order to provide complete and comprehensive protection. Access where personal data is stored (both physically and electronically) is limited in order to allow the highest possible level of access security. Access to personal data is provided only to a limited number of persons who are in the function of a certain set of data. Our employees who have access to personal data are trained to understand and comprehend the importance of personal data protection, to apply internal procedures for their protection, and have an obligation to maintain confidentiality.
We hold the privacy of your personal information in the highest regard and will protect it in accordance with applicable regulations and best practices.
Respecting the basic principles of personal data protection, we inform you that we never share your personal data for a purpose not described in this Privacy Policy. If the Operator intends to further process personal data for a purpose other than that for which the data were collected, we will notify you prior to further processing of that other purpose and any other relevant information.
The following have access to your data:
- our employees who are engaged in the implementation of the PLOUTOS project
- FoodSHare Platform administrators
- we may share your information with law enforcement agencies, public authorities or other third parties only where required to do so by law or if such use is justified.
In addition, access to cumulative, anonymized data can be requested by our business partners-authorized representatives of consortium members: GAIA EPICHEIREIN ANONYMI ETAIREIA PSIFIAKON YPIRESION, Greece for the purpose of grouping and analyzing cumulative, anonymized data in order to adequately and efficiently manage the project; Teagasc, Athenry, Co, Ireland, for the purpose of grouping and analyzing cumulative, anonymised data for the purpose of researching social sustainability, behavior change and ecosystem engagement; Grupo Hispatec Informática Empresarial, Spain for the purpose of grouping and analyzing cumulative, anonymised data for the purpose of piloting, validating and evaluating innovative approaches. The above-mentioned members of the consortium in performing control and supervision over the implementation of activities by FOODSCALE HUB in the implementation of the PLOUOTS project and FOODSHARE platform can ask us to provide them with all or some of your personal data. We have concluded agreements with our business partners-members of the consortium within the PLOUTOS project, including special written procedures and plans related to the protection of personal data.
Below is a tabular overview of entities, their functions and where they are located, which have access to the platform, based on a memorandum of understanding and cooperation with "FOODSCALE HUB" for the maintenance and administration of the server.
PROCESSOR (business name):
LOCATION (seat, address):
Technopolis ICT Business Park, Building Γ2/C2 Pylaia, 55535, Thessaloniki, Greece
Server maintenance
Our servers are currently located in Greece, and the administration and activities related to server and data security are performed by EXEO (Greece), which has an international standard for information security (ISO 27001), according to the memorandum of understanding and cooperation with "FOODSCALE HUB". We process your personal data in the Republic of Serbia, where regulations on data protection and privacy may not have the same level of protection as in other countries, primarily European Union countries. If you register as a user of the FoodSHare Platform outside the territory of Serbia, by registering and using the FoodSHare Platform you consent to the transfer of such data and information to Serbia which may not offer the same level of protection as in the European Union or other countries as described in this Privacy Policy.
The transfer of personal data to another state or international organization, without prior approval, may be made if it is determined that that other state / international organization provides an appropriate level of protection of personal data. In this regard, the Decision on the list of countries, parts of their territories or one or more sectors of certain activities in those countries and international organizations in which it is considered that an appropriate level of personal data protection is provided ("Official Gazette of RS" No. 55 / 2019) it is determined which countries are considered to provide an appropriate level of protection of personal data.
The members of the consortium, as well as the European Commission to which statistical data and reports on the implementation of the PLOUTOS project are submitted, are located in the member states of the European Union, as well as in Northern Macedonia, which, in accordance with the above-cited Decision, have been determined to provide an appropriate level of protection of personal data.
We store the collected data only as much as it is necessary for the purpose stated in this Privacy Policy unless there is a legal obligation to keep certain data longer. For data for which there is a statutory retention period, we keep your data within the statutory retention period.
We keep all personal data exclusively for the implementation of the PLOUTOS project and it will be deleted (destroyed) after five years of completion of the PLOUTOS project.
If we process personal data on the basis of our legitimate interest, we keep it for as long as our interest exists or longer in the event that court or other proceedings are conducted before the competent authorities and bodies.
We retain personal data that we process, based on your consent, as long as we have your consent. In case of revocation of consent, we delete them as soon as possible. Revocation of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing until the moment of revocation.
If judicial, administrative or extrajudicial proceedings have been initiated, personal data may be kept until the completion of these proceedings.
FOODSCALE HUB is only responsible for designing and updating the FoodSHare Platform, but FOODSCALE HUB cannot guarantee the completeness, reliability and accuracy of published donations. "FOODSCALE HUB" has not adopted or approved in any way possible statements in these announcements, except where it is specifically emphasized, and any statement should not be considered as a statement of the Operator.
"FOODSCALE HUB" does not guarantee the accuracy of the data on its portal, nor is it responsible for the donations published on the FoodSHare Platform.
The operator is not responsible or in any way participates in the transportation and logistics of published food donations.
The FoodSHare Platform uses cookies - small text files that are placed on a computer or mobile device when visiting the platform, when analyzing the way users use the FoodSHare Platform. The information collected, including IP addresses, will be stored on servers. "FOODSCALE HUB" will use this information to report on the cost of the platform. "FOODSCLAE HUB" will share the collected information with third parties only if it is a legal obligation. Your IP address will not be linked to other web addresses or other sources of information to which FOODSCALE HUB has access.
Read more about the cookies we use in the Cookie Use Policy.
As the person to whom the data relates (the data subject), you have the rights recognized by law, as follows:
You exercise your rights for free. However, if you frequently (for example, less than 3 months have passed since your last request) or excessively (for example, requesting all your personal information in writing) request access to or transfer of your personal information, we have the right to ask you to settle our costs before performing such an action.
In addition to the above, you have the right to file a complaint to the competent data protection authority - the Commissioner, if you believe that the processing of personal data has been carried out contrary to the provisions of the law. The state administration body responsible for the protection of personal data in the Republic of Serbia is the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 15, Belgrade.
By accepting this Privacy Policy, you express your consent for your personal data to be used and processed by the Operator and / or third parties, for the above purposes.
This privacy policy will be updated from time to time.
This version has been made public and available here.
If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, the changes will be posted and made here.